Stationary at SkiBowl

Mt Hood peeking out on a gloomy day

The holidays being busy at the resort wasn’t the only time for us to have busy schedules. Hunter and I have both been working a decent amount, but it’s very exciting to know we can pick back up with our work ethic right where we left off. I thought that after all the time we spent just adventuring would make it harder to go back to work, but getting paid to snowboard makes it a little bit easier for me.

While there hasn't been a lot of free time, we’ve been spending it doing the same things. I’ve been doing a lot of baking. I baked my first loaf of sourdough bread, made pizza doughs, baked another blueberry coffee cake, and the classic blondies. Baking in the camper is something that brings me a lot of joy and helps me feel creative. All of my recipes are my own, and it’s a type of creating I never knew how much I would love.

I’ve been continuing on my path of learning how to knit. Lately I’m not sure whether I’ve been spending more time knitting or untangling yarn, though. I’ve graduated from making scarves to working on my first hat. It has been a great activity to have something to do with my hands all the time, making my scrolling time less, and creating time more.

Sunset from the Rescue Center (my “office”)

Patrolling has been a job I love. I love working with the people I do. I feel beyond lucky to have a job that a lot of the time feels like I’m getting paid to ski around with my friends. When things are serious, they can get very serious, but those moments also remind us that our job is important to the functioning of the ski resort. I’ve learned so much already patrolling, and it feels like there is so much more I can learn. All of my coworkers are also eager to learn, making ua a team that balances fun and work very well.

The snow has finally rolled in this past weekend as well, making it so fun to be at work. After weeks of the mountain being an ice skating rink, we are all happy to have some fresh snow on the ground. The amount of people sitting in the rescue center at one time has drastically decreased, and taking laps with our friends is something that’s become more and more fun.

Continuing to work editing YouTube videos for my friend, Stella (find her as Stella Hikes on there), has also been a great job. I get more insight into her day to day on trail, and get to learn what it would look like for me to thru hike something in the future. The work is repetitive, but doesn’t feel like it, because her days on the trail are anything but that.

In all the small amounts of free time we have we use it savoring every minute in the camper. Whether it be just hanging out, watching TV, baking, working for Stella, or anything in-between, every moment in the camper has felt great. This truly is our tiny home, and I love that we get to come back to it every night. I’m beyond happy to be working two jobs I love, in an area I love, with a place I love to call home, even if it moves. 

While life isn’t an all exciting travel time right now, it is really nice to have a job and a routine. It’s nice to settle down for long enough to make friends. Living in a camper is the dream, but moving every day is not mine. While it makes the blog a little less exciting to be stationary, it makes life easier, and even a little bit more fun for now. Moving on from the life we’ve created here will be hard, but it will also always be here to come back to. It’ll be time to go create another life that we love. For now, we’ll just stick to our schedule, and keep having a great time doing what we love.


SkiBowl’s Open!